“There’s More to a Kingpin than Most People Realize”
Kingpin Specialists CEO Rich Lefebvre was interviewed on The Heavy-Duty Parts Report and he shared some insights about connection management.
The Cost of Ignoring the Kingpin
The fifth wheel gets all the attention when fleets are doing connection maintenance and repairs. The kingpin is often overlooked, and this is a problem
Commercial Trailer is Making a Banging Sound Between the Kingpin and Fifth Wheel
Did you know that thousands of truck drivers have a problem with the connection between their semi-truck and trailer? To make matters worse, when they
Quality is Everything When Repairing Commercial Vehicles
Commercial vehicles must be maintained to maximize uptime and safely operate on public roads. Every fleet is looking for ways to reduce the total cost
How Connection Management Saves Fleets Money
“In 30-years of trucking I have never had one repair make such a difference!” exclaimed the president of a trucking fleet in North Carolina. What
Kingpin Maintenance is a Recommended Practice for Fleets
“We’ve never done any maintenance on our kingpins before…” is something we commonly hear from fleet maintenance managers. When we hear this, we know that